aqua blue color hex code
In the subtractive process color space CMYK. Whereas in a CMYK color space it is composed of 37 cyan 0 magenta 111 yellow and 153 black.
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In the CMYK subtractive color model color 02d8e9 has values 99 cyan 7 magenta 0 yellow and 9 black.

. AQUA LIGHT BLUE TEAL. In the RGB color model Aqua has a red value of 0 a green value of 255 and a blue value of 255. HTML CSS or hex color code for color Aqua is 00ffff.
Aqua means water in Latin which explains the symbolism behind it. 88d8c0 color hex could be obtained by blending. These values can help you match the specific shade you are looking for and even help you find complementary colors.
The Aqua Blue And Green Color Scheme palette has 5 colors which are Aqua 01FFFF Vivid Sky Blue 00DEF6 Yellow-Green Color Wheel 15AD29 Emerald 58D780 and Sea Foam Green 97F7C4. In the alternative HSV representation it is associated with a Hue angle of 184 out of 360 a Saturation of 99 and a Value of 91. The following are color codes similar to the blue color with their accompanying name hex rgb and hsl values.
The CMYK color codes used in printers are C77 M1 Y0 K38. Looking for a different shade of blue. Blue Hex HTML Color Values.
HTML CSS or hex color code for color Aqua is 00ffff. English language names are approximate equivalents of the. The hexadecimal color code for Aqua is 00FFFF and the RGB color code is RGB 0 255 255.
The color Aqua Blue corresponds to the hex code 02D8E9. Aqua is a color name as opposed to a hexadecimal value or RGB decimal value. In the additive RGB color model color 02d8e9 hexadecimal hex triplet has values of 2 1 red 216 85 green and 233 91 blue.
It has a hue angle of 2057 degrees a saturation of 457 and a lightness of 82. In the HSVHSB scale Dark Aqua has a hue of 181 77 saturation and a brightness value of 62. In a RGB color space hex 88d8c0 also known as Pearl Aqua is composed of 533 red 847 green and 753 blue.
This color has an approximate wavelength of 4808 nm. In the additive digital color space RGB it is composed of 1 Red 85 Green and 91 Blue component. Neon Aqua has the hex code 21F8F6.
This color combination was created by user ManishThe Hex RGB and CMYK codes are in the table below. The hexadecimal color code 1e5878 is a medium dark shade of cyan-blue. Hex or html color codes are often used on websites.
It has a hue angle of 162 degrees a saturation of 506 and a lightness of 69. Aqua is a combination of blue and green. The equivalent RGB values are 36 157 159 which means it is composed of 10 red 45 green and 45 blue.
In the HSVHSB scale Neon Aqua has a hue of 179 87 saturation and a brightness value of 97. The color Aquamarine Blue takes its name from that gemstone and is somewhere between blue and green. Many times these values will be converted to what are considered to be web safe color.
At the same time the color meaning. The page belows contains color combinations color schemes color palettes and images that match and go good together with the hex color 028482. It dates all the way back to 1598 when it was first recorded.
The CMYK color codes used in printers are C87 M0 Y1 K3. This color combination was created by user Keshav NaiduThe Hex RGB and CMYK codes are in the table below. Dark Aqua has the hex code 249D9F.
This web color is described by the following tags. To apply this color as a background color use this code. Glossy Aqua has the hex code 5DF4FF.
The Cream And Aqua Blue Color Scheme palette has 5 colors which are Very Pale Yellow FFF8B8 Cream FFFED3 Baby Powder FFFFF8 Vivid Sky Blue 13D5FF and Aqua 03FFFE. The equivalent RGB values are 93 244 255 which means it is composed of 16 red 41 green and 43 blue. To find this particular tint use aquas hex code 33FFFF.
But instead uses a scale of 00 to FF. In the HSL model it is represented by 184 hue 98 saturation and 46 lightness. Bcd4e6 color hex could be obtained.
028482 Hex Color for the Web has the RGB values of 2 132 130 and the CMYK colour values of 985 0 15 482. Aquamarine Blue Hex 6BCAE2 RGB 107 202 226 CMYK 53 11. In the HSVHSB scale Glossy Aqua has a hue of 184 64 saturation and a brightness value of 100.
Aqua Blue Hex 0AFFFF RGB 10 255 255 CMYK 96 0 0 0. Its similar to cyan so they are frequently used interchangeably in graphic design. 180 1 255 Colors used in web pages are represented using RGB red Green blue triplet.
Details of other color codes including. The current background color is Aqua. The color aqua blue color mizu-iro with hexadecimal color code 86aba5 is a shade of cyan.
In the RGB color model 1e5878 is comprised of 1176 red 3451 green and 4706 blue. In the HSL color space 1e5878 has a hue of 201 degrees 60 saturation and 29 lightness. The equivalent RGB values are 33 248 246 which means it is composed of 6 red 47 green and 47 blue.
Whereas in a CMYK color space it is composed of 183 cyan 78 magenta 0 yellow and 98 black. Details of other color codes including. In nature aquamarine is a specific type of beryl.
The CMYK color codes used in printers are C64 M4 Y0 K0. English language names are approximate equivalents of the. In a RGB color space hex bcd4e6 also known as Pale aqua Beau blue is composed of 737 red 831 green and 902 blue.
Ford Aqua Blue 1e5878 Hex Color Code. List of Blue Colors. Each of the primary color component red green and blue are the primary colors is represented using one byte.
180 1 255 Add a useful notedescription about this color. The CMYK color model also known as process color used in color printing comprises 1000 cyan 00 magenta 00 yellow and 00 key black. There are many shades of blue that we have not included on this.
To chose another color scheme combination select a color from the chart below. In the RGB color model 86aba5 is comprised of 5255 red 6706 green and 6471 blue. This color has an approximate wavelength of 49556 nm.
Hex values account again for red color green color and blue color. In the HSL color space 86aba5 has a hue of 170 degrees 18 saturation and 60 lightness. This lively shade represents energy and movement typical of the ocean.
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